Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I just joined Twitter.

I've been considering it for a while...but, to be honest, the tipping point was the free Costa Vida pork burrito for anyone who starts following Costa Vida on Twitter. I'm a sucker for those sweet, cheesy, smothered heaps of goodness.

Within five minutes of creating my account I had received 69 tweets from the 11 people I was following, and three people had started following me. In another five minutes, I had posted three tweets and another person had started following me. And two people had sent me personalized messages.

Next I installed twhirl so I can twitter from my desktop.

Then I installed Twitterrific on my iPhone so I can twitter from there too.

And if that wasn't enough, I then installed the Twitter app for my facebook page so that my facebook status automatically syncs with my Twitter feed.

I've been bombarded with a constant stream of twitter updates and new information. All in less than 15 minutes.

And all because of a Costa Vida pork burrito.

Welcome to the Revolution.

1 comment:

siovhan said...

"welcome to the revolution."

i love you.